Application Our induction and on-boarding process may take up to 7 days. An initial unpaid 4-hour shift may be required before a formal offer of employment may be made. Live-In applicants may need to trial for several weeks before being offered a Live-In position. Questions on this form are of a personal nature, they help us to find and match the best Support Workers with our diverse Participants all based on their needs and interest. Please answer as accurately as possible to assist with this matching process.Please Upload Your Resume (CV)Choose FileNo file chosenDelete uploaded fileFull Name *Date of Birth *GenderSelect GenderMaleFemaleOtherStreet Address *Apartment, suite, etcSuburbState/ProvinceZIP / Postal CodePhone *Email AddressEmergency Contact Name *Emergency Contact Phone *What was your last job?What date did you finish your last job?Do not include cash jobsDo you have any other relevant previous experience?YesNoWhat relevant experience do you have?What position/s are you interested in?CasualPart-TimeFull-TimeLive-inThe following prerequisites are required. Please confirm that you meet all of them. *Blue CardNDIS Worker Screening CardOwn a Roadworthy VehicleComprehensive Car InsuranceFirst Aid and CPRDrivers LicenceWhat kind of licence do you have? *P1P2OpenPossession of all the above qualifications is mandatory. If you do not meet these requirements, please do not proceed with this application.Are you an Australian Citizen?YesNoHave you completed the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission eLearning? *YesNoAre you willing to obtain the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission eLearning? *YesNoDo you smoke?YesNoWhat regular commitments do you have that we need to consider when rostering? Be specific of what days and times you are unavailable for work.e.g. Every Sunday, 5pm-8pmDo you have any bookings or commitments over the next 12 months that may impact your availability?YesNoWhat are they and when?Are you willing to be called at short notice to cover shifts if other Employees are unavailable?YesNoAre you willing to do one weekend per fortnight?YesNoAre you available to work inactive overnight shifts?YesNoWhat are your requested minimum and maximum hours per week?Min Hours:Max Hours:What is your earliest date available to start work?Please list any languages other than English that you speak, including AUSLAN.Please list any past or present criminal charges: *Do you give consent for Independence World to perform a Police Check on you at any time? *YesNoPlease list any present or intended civil or criminal proceedings:List all goals in the next 6 months to year:List major goals for the next 5 years:What are your hobbies and interests?Comments:Confirm all the information provided is accurate and true.{html-8}Name: {name-1}Date of Birth: {text-8}Address: {address-1-address_line} {address-1-street_address}, {address-1-city}, {address-1-state} {address-1-zip}Phone: {text-6}Email: {email-1}Gender: {select-1}Emergency Contact: {name-2}Emergency Contact Phone: {text-7}Resume (CV): {upload-2}What was your last job? {text-1}What date did it end? {text-2}Do you have previous relevant experience? {radio-19}{textarea-15}What position/s are you interest in? {checkbox-3}Please Confirm as you MUST have the following:The following prerequisites are required. Please confirm that you meet all of them.{checkbox-2}{radio-21}Are you an Australian Citizen? {checkbox-4}Have you completed the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission eLearning? {radio-22}Are you willing to obtain the NDIS Quality and Safeguards Commission eLearning?{radio-23}Do you smoke?{radio-15}What regular commitments do you have that we need to consider when rostering? Be specific, what days and times you are unavailable for work.{textarea-13}Do you have any bookings or commitments over the next 12 months that may impact your availability? {radio-16}What are they and when?{textarea-14}Are you available to work inactive overnight shifts?{radio-24}Are you willing to be called at short notice to cover shifts if other Employees are unavailable? {radio-17}Are you willing to do one weekend per fortnight? {radio-18}What are the requested hours per week? Min: {text-12} Max: {text-11}What is your earliest date available to start work? {text-9}Please list any languages other than English that you speak, including AUSLAN: {textarea-17}Do you give consent for Independence World to perform a Police Check on you at any time?{radio-20}Please list any past or present criminal charges: {textarea-18}Please list any present or intended civil or criminal proceedings:{textarea-23}All goals for the next 6 months to a year: {textarea-19}List major goals for the next 5 years: {textarea-20}What are your hobbies and interests?{textarea-22}Comments: {textarea-21}Information consent *Yes, I confirm all the information given is accurate and true.Confirm and Submit